QGrip CMDB serves multiple purposes


QGrip builds up its own CMDB with SQL Server objects. Not only with the obvious metadata, like Database and Login names. Anything that might help you work more efficiently, like missing indexes and file sizes, has also been added. The intention is to minimize the need of firing queries to obtain the information you need, it should just be there. QGrip will probably replace excel files and lists with Instance names and port numbers that otherwise need to be maintained manually. The Discover job fills and maintains the QGrip CMDB. It should run regularly on all SQL Server Instances. QGrip creates a small Agent job on each Instance. The job takes a snapshot of all active processes on the Instance that adds useful information about logins, their origin and which databases they use, ‘Login Last Active’.

Initially, each SQL Object in the QGrip CMDB, needs to be linked to one Application, its owner. As you can see in the video above, the actual linking can be tedious but not a problem. Click, click, click and 90-95% of the work has been done. The frustration might start with finding the owner (and status) of the last 5% and QGrip will keep on nagging until they are all linked. Some spring cleaning might be needed to get rid of unused objects. The ‘Login Last Active’ mentioned above, is also available in the CMDB and can be used to determine if logins and/or databases are still used. It’s important that each SQL object has been linked to the correct Application. QGrip uses the linked objects in the Authorisation of QGrip users.

Not only for the show

The content of the QGrip CMDB is not only used for great visual display in the QGrip-UI. The information is also used to prefill choices when jobs are requested and to filter data. Another, very important purpose, is in the authorisation of QGrip users. What they are allowed to do, for which Applications and in which DTAP environment.

Export of the QGrip CMDB

As long as all SQL object have been linked to an Application, the QGrip CMDB is up-to-date. It would be a shame not taking advantage hereof. Therefore, use the simple plugin Export CMDB to extract the data from the QGrip CMDB to feed your own organisation CMDB. QGrip keeps track of changes since the last successful feed and will only exports the deltas.

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