
QGrip, Centralised Application Based Database Management tool for SQL Server on-premises.

QGrip is a ‘Centralised Application Based Database Management’ tool for SQL Server on-premises.

All organisations using SQL Server can benefit from QGrip. The supported features cover the functionalities needed to successfully and efficiently manage the SQL Server estate. Smaller organisations might only be interested in the out-of-the-box Backup & Restore functionality, but larger organisations with development-, test-, DevOps- and Scrum-teams can profit from the possibility to let the teams do more themselves. The teams become more agile, in a controlled fashion, and the workload for the DBA is reduced.


Application Based

Database Management


The ultimate benefit of QGrip is in the time and cost savings that result from generating accurate information in a more efficient way. The ‘Grip’ on the SQL Server environment will be enhanced which will improve efficiency. The QGrip CMDB will be up-to-date and contain the most relevant information regarding the SQL Server environment and will probably replace most of the documents and excel sheets that are now kept. The Warnings generated by QGrip will enhance continuity by enabling you to solve problems before they occur.

Benefits for the organisation

No major investments

Complete Out-of-the-box

Free Trial


Delegate – Spare the DBA

Split Costs

Benefits for the DBA

One Interface – Better Grip

Daily Check & Backup Retry

Monitoring – Free Space Forecast

SQL Server Always On

QGrip User

Anybody within the IT department working with SQL Server databases is a potential QGrip-User. The QGrip-UI is user friendly and hardly any SQL Server knowledge is required. The Teams & Authorisation module is very flexible and enables comprehensive authorisation. The QGrip-Admin role requires substantial SQL Server knowledge and should be limited to the SQL Server DBAs.